Technical Description

The recor­ding room of Stu­dio III is a magi­cal place. It’s not its size (100 sqm, 5,50 m high), it’s – as a resul­tat of inten­se acou­stic work – its sound qua­li­ty. Accor­ding to requi­re­ments the sound cha­rac­te­ristic can be chan­ged. Curta­ins will’mute’ the room and make it sound dry. Wit­hout the curta­ins one has more reper­cus­sion and echo.

Here at Stu­dio III the Scor­pi­ons recor­ded the lion’s share of their most important albums, espe­ci­al­ly Rarebell’s drum sound owes a lot to this recor­ding room. Suf­fice to say that the­re is room enough for rock bands but also for small orches­tra and even audi­ence if need be.