Audio Division

Our audio divi­si­on con­sists of three dif­fe­rent stu­di­os, each one desi­gned for a spe­cial pur­po­se and all intert­wi­ned so you can finish here what was star­ted over the­re. Mixing, pre­pro­duc­tion, syn­chro­niza­ti­on, com­po­si­ti­on and con­ver­si­on – for each ope­ra­ti­on you’ll find the right set-up.

We’d like to draw your atten­ti­on to Stu­dio 3 whe­re the best of both worlds go tog­e­ther well – the so lon­ged for ’warmth’ of ana­log recor­dings and the modern day approach of digi­tal command.

Studio 1, a unique place of Instruments:


In our new­ly reno­va­ted Stu­dio 1, the­re is now a veri­ta­ble tre­asu­re tro­ve of key­board instru­ments – Very Vin­ta­ge and Digi­tal / Ana­log, as well as drums, gui­tars, bas­ses and various per­cus­sion instru­ments. Moni­to­ring with ADAM SX3V, SSL Nucleus Con­trol­ler, Logic Pro, Mac­Book Pro etc. may not be missing.

Available Instruments

Ham­mond B‑3
Ham­mond A‑100
Les­lie 122, 145, 147
Les­lie Pre­Amp II
Fen­der Rho­des Suit­ca­se 88
Nord C‑1 Com­bo Organ
Stein­way Flü­gel S‑155
Stein­way Upright Piano
Hoh­ner Cla­vi­net D‑6
Yama­ha MO‑8
Yama­ha KX5
Wal­dorf Blo­feld Keyboard
Korg DW-8000
Roland SP-700 Sampleplayer
Roland S‑760 Sampler
Korg P3 Pianomodul
Yama­ha KX88
Roland FP‑7 Digitalpiano

Recording Room Studio 3


The recor­ding room of Stu­dio III is a magi­cal place. It’s not its size (100 sqm, 5,50 m high), it’s – as a resul­tat of inten­se acou­stic work – its sound qua­li­ty. Accor­ding to requi­re­ments the sound cha­rac­te­ristic can be chan­ged. Curta­ins will’mute’ the room and make it sound dry. Wit­hout the curta­ins one has more reper­cus­sion and echo. Here at Stu­dio III the Scor­pi­ons recor­ded the lion’s share of their most important albums, espe­ci­al­ly Rarebell’s drum sound owes a lot to this recor­ding room. Suf­fice to say that the­re is room enough for rock bands but also for small orches­tra and even audi­ence if need be.

Control Room Studio 3


Technical Description Control Room


64 Chan­nel Solid Sta­te Logic 4000G

Gen­elec 1034 A
Yama­ha NS 10
Gen­elec 1031 A
Sub­woo­fer: DynAu­dio­A­cou­stics BX30

Ota­ri Mtr 90
Stu­der D827 MCH MK II

Mac Pro with Pro Tools HD 11 and HD I/O Inter­faces and Sync HD
Ana­lo­gue: 64 in 64 out
Digi­tal: 32 in
D‑Command Mas­ter and addi­tio­nal Fader unit
SSL Nucleus
Mac Pro with Logic 9 and Motu Inter­faces (24 I/O and Motu 2408)

Focus­ri­te ISA 110
Sum­mit Audio Inc. TPA 200
Draw­mer DS 201 Dual Gate EQUALIZER
Tube Tech ME 1 A
Tube Tech PE 1 B

Fairch­ild 670
ADR Compex F760X-RS
Urei 1176 LN
Urei LA-3A
Urei 1178
Draw­mer 1960
DBX 160A
Sony DAL 1000
Sym­e­trix 501
Sym­e­trix CL 150
Audio Design F601-RS
Audio Design D 60-RS

EMT 140 Ste­reo (Solid State)
EMT 140 Mono(Tube)
Quan­tec QRS
AMS rmx 16
AMS dmx 15–80s
Lexi­con 480 with LARC
Lexi­con 224 with LARC
Lexi­con Prime Time
Lexi­con PCM 70
tc elec­tro­nic TC 2290
Korg SDD 3000
Iba­nez AD-230
Event­i­de H 949
Event­i­de H 3000
Enso­niq DP/4+
Yama­ha SPX90 II
Yama­ha SPX 1000
Yama­ha REV 5
Roland Dimen­si­on D SDD-320